Integration with k8gb, a Kubernetes global service load balancer
This page is republished from k8gb's documentation (MIT license).
Combination of k8gb and provides powerful global multi-cluster capabilities.
Admiralty will globally schedule. And k8gb will globally balance.
This tutorial covers local end-to-end integration quick start of two projects.
Deploy Admiralty
Just follow
Deploy k8gb to Target clusters
It will install k8gb instances to both Target clusters.
Notice the GeoTag configuration.
Create sample workloads on the source cluster
Add pod annotations to enable multi-cluster scheduling
Edit podinfo
Deployment to add Admiralty
scheduling Annotation to Pod spec template
The Pod template spec part should look similar to
Observe that pods were scheduled to Target cluster the application of Annotation patch.
Observe that associated Ingress has also followed the Pods to the Target clusters
Add k8gb annotations to Ingress object to enable global load balancing
Observer that there are no Gslb resources in the Target clusters
Add k8gb strategy annotation to the Ingress object in the Source cluster
Observe that Gslb resources were properly created
Note: it's not a real working k8gb setup but just a way to demonstrate multi-cluster Gslb CR propagation with Admiralty.
Please refer to documentation to create fully working real-life Gslb setup.